
Yes folks, it is time to proudly announce this years’s MBR Partaaaaay!

Friday night headlining is Dr Alibi who you may have seen last September at our Better Late than Never bash, and they gave an impressive performance. They hadn’t been together very long so only had a shortish set. Well this year they are back by popular demand with yet more inyerface punk. 

Supporting them are Trip Hazard (previously Shonky and the Knuckledraggers) who play an eclectic mix of evrything from Nancy Sinatra to The Dead Kennedys. Now with two girlie singers providing lead vocals and shoobie do wops they sound better than ever! (Which means we now have to split the fee of f**k all between 5 of us, (this may take some working out.)

Saturday night kicks off with Ashley Day and Elvis for some singalong songs you all know and love. Followed up by Double J & the Rock and Roll Swindle with our old mate, Badger on the skins. (I predict a Riot).

Plus all of the usual MBR madness and mayhem, silly games, raffle which with LJ as the compere, is an entertaining event in itself.

Although the liquid refreshment is bring your own, we are hoping to organise a can bar for those who are beyond the staggering stage. Watch this space for confirmation closer to the time.

See you there.
